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A powerful sake that combines sweetness and sourness with a rounded taste. The raw material rice is rice from Fukui Prefecture. It is a junmai sake that is fully packed with the flavor of rice. You can enjoy various ways to drink, and everyone from those who often drink alcohol to those who do not drink alcohol on a daily basis will be pleased. Where to RiceThere is a sake brewery in Shimizu Town, former Tanyu District, which is known as a particularly high-quality rice production area in Fukui Prefecture, so you can use only high-quality locally produced rice in abundance. The water used for the preparation is pure groundwater, which flows slowly over time from melting snow, and is pumped from 15 meters underground. In the old days, the water source of the brewery, which was called "Maiden Valley", is lit up by many fireflies in the summer. The wonderful blessings of nature nurtured in a rich natural environment meet the outstanding skills of the brewers, and the generous love is poured into it, and sake [Himeyama] is made.

Actual product sample Sake Himeyama Junmai 720ml HIMEYAMA

A powerful sake that combines sweetness and sourness with a rounded taste. The raw material rice is rice from Fukui Prefecture. It is a junmai sake that is fully packed with the flavor of rice. You can enjoy various ways to drink, and everyone from those who often drink alcohol to those who do not drink alcohol on a daily basis will be pleased. Where to RiceThere is a sake brewery in Shimizu Town, former Tanyu District, which is known as a particularly high-quality rice production area in Fukui Prefecture, so you can use only high-quality locally produced rice in abundance. The water used for the preparation is pure groundwater, which flows slowly over time from melting snow, and is pumped from 15 meters underground. In the old days, the water source of the brewery, which was called "Maiden Valley", is lit up by many fireflies in the summer. The wonderful blessings of nature nurtured in a rich natural environment meet the outstanding skills of the brewers, and the generous love is poured into it, and sake [Himeyama] is made.
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Actual product sample Sake Himeyama Junmai 720ml HIMEYAMA
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The law prohibits the purchase or drinking of alcohol under the age of 20.
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Actual product sample Sake Himeyama Junmai 720ml HIMEYAMA

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It is a unique liquor store that sells only private brand liquor. We will deliver a cool world view with pop that transcends the genre of MASAKIYA.
We manufacture on OEM at long-established breweries nationwide. It is a gem full of originality that is particular about water and pursues deliciousness under thorough quality control.
The bottle with a POP label design can be used as an interior decoration after drinking. Enjoy the ingenious design.

Brand review for MASAKIYA CO.,LTD.

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当店取扱中の商品 「麦焼酎虎と満月」 個人的に一番好きな焼酎です。ストレート、ロック、ソーダ割り、レモンサワーや焼酎カクテルのベース等、どんな飲み方にも合わせやすくコスパも大変良いと思います。ラベルもカッコ良くて可愛くもある…飲み終わった後はディスプレイにも出来るお洒落なボトルです。 「芋焼酎倭人伝」 お客様のリピート率100%の芋焼酎がこちらの「倭人伝」です。まろやかな芋の香り、口当たりの良いコク、洗練された後味…。こちらはそのままの風味を大事にしながら、ストレート、ロック、お湯割り等に使用しております。 「日本酒姫山」 当店はバーですが、日本酒はこちらの 「姫山純米」と「姫山本醸造」のみお客様へご提供させていただいてます。 キリッと冷やで飲みたい純米、燗にして飲みたい本醸造…というご提供の仕方をお客様にご提案しておりますが、お好きな方はそれぞれその時好きな飲み方をされる、まさしく形に拘らない、人を選ばない、優しい女神様の包容力を感じる日本酒です。 昨今日本酒カクテル等のお客様のリクエストもございますが、店主としてはあまり弄りたくない、完成された日本酒というイメージでございます。 「スパークリングワイン愛の讃歌」 女性に人気のピーチ味と、深みの味わいのロゼの二種類共にお取り扱いしております。お誕生日祝いに、二人の記念日に…。 コスパも良く、ネーミングも良く、味わいも良い…。どんなシチュエーションにも合わせやすく、名曲「愛の讃歌」が聴こえてきそうです。独り言ですが、先日は数年前に旦那様を亡くされ、未亡人になられたお客様が、 「旦那との思い出をつまみに、一緒に献杯してくださる?」 とご注文されました…。 しびれました…。 バーテンダー冥利につきます…。 「クラフトジン タンゴジン」 こちらのジンですが、詳しいボタニカル等は正木屋商店ホームページや商品詳細にてご確認いただき、割愛させていただきます。 当店のお客様のリピートとしては、ボトルでご購入されるお客様が多い印象です。 私個人的な意見としては、スパイシーに感じるのですが、お客様の意見としては、甘味を感じる方、爽やかさを感じる方、等。お客様のご意見が見事に別れる商品です。 (もちろん良い意味でですよ。) ジントニックにすると、ボタニカルの香りとフィニッシュがとても豊潤で気品のある、クラフトジンとして様々なご提供の仕方ができ、お客様に楽しまれる一品です。 「デコビーノシリーズ」 先ずはラベルがとてもお洒落です! 第一印象でセンスが良いとお客様の意見が圧倒的なデコビーノ白ワイン赤ワイン。 味もとにかく丁寧に丁寧に仕上げられ、とてもお洒落かつ素晴らしい味わいのワインです。ハーフボトルで女性お一人様でも飲みきれますし、先ずは白ワイン、次は赤ワインの方を、と2つの味わいを楽しめるサイズ感がとても提供しやすいです。 ワイン初心者の方でもわかる程の丁寧かつ大事に育てられた味わいのデコビーノは、それをベースに南高梅と合わせた梅酒リキュールもとにかく人気で、若いお客様の評価の高いデコビーノリキュールも大変お薦めしております。 総じてお伝えしたい事は、正木屋商店の取り扱い商品はお客様へご提供しやすい事、品質管理も徹底され、丁寧に作られた商品であること、価格もこのご時世としては安価で提供しやすい、等のお店側にもメリットだらけの商品だと言うことです。 これからの時代を担う素晴らしい商品であることは間違いありません。 日本人のお客様の好みな味わいではありますが、昨今のインバウンドのお客様や、海外からの大学生にも今とても人気の商品です。
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Sakura Brewery
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A ginger syrup factory located in the old wholesaler district of Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture. We manufacture and sell various craft syrups centered on ginger.
Wakamiya Koya
It is a long-established store founded in the 19th year of the Meiji era. Using only carefully selected domestic ingredients, we deliver non-alcoholic and sugar-free products that can be enjoyed with peace of mind by health-conscious people.
Artisan soy sauce
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Furumachi Manufactory
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A nut specialty store in Morioka. Produces a large number of original flavors. Aiming for a single grain like a dish We create flavors like no other.
Puru ~ Sake
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Hirata Sake Brewery
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Health Marche Co., Ltd.
With the slogan "Good health for all," Kenko Marche Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer that makes products centered on vegetables and fruits.
This is UEDASHOWTEN, a wholesale store that sells products from small-scale producers that are organic and socially good We visit the producers directly to make purchasing decisions
Setouchi Craft Lemonade
An "eating" lemonade made at the entrance to the World Heritage Site "Miyajimaguchi" using lemons from Osaki Kamijima in Hiroshima Prefecture. It is an aged lemonade that is particular about the manufacturing method and raw materials. Powder series is also sold.
Hifumiyo Buri Broadcasting
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Shigehisa Honpo
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Foggy Morning
Together with the climate and with the people. "Foggy Morning" is a brand that looks at and accompanies the agriculture, fisheries, and cultures that form the climate. Jams, seasonings, sweets and teas made from black beans and red beans.
Based in Kyoto on the sea, we are developing "feast canneds" that are a one-dish dish in cans by taking advantage of the strength of hand-packing processing unique to small lots together with local food makers.
In order to fully enjoy the wood itself and its technology every day, we have prepared 5 types of vessels. Please enjoy the graceful curves of each and the difference in facial expressions that change greatly depending on how you grind them.
Utilizing crops such as thinning and plucking, which have no use until now, and substandard products that are difficult to put on distribution, All of the bottled and canned food that can be "made" only by chef is made by hand
Bail Molts
Eco-action that allows you to participate in a stress-free cycle "just by eating" The "beer lees" produced in the beer brewing process are deliciously upcycled.
North Farm Stock
North Farm Stock contains the idea of "brewing delicious food from Hokkaido". We are particular about the original recipe, and everything from bottling to shipping is done with our own hands.
The unique and free craft beer that I lived and learned at Apartment ALDEA in California makes use of the blessings of local production in Yamashiro, southern Kyoto Prefecture!
A long-established liquor store in Hokkaido has developed a new idea and a new sense of frozen amazake by incorporating Hokkaido to the maximum. Traditional sweetness "amazake" + vegetable ingredients + additive-free and gentle on the stomach and nostalgic deliciousness.
Craft glass wood is handmade by artisans. It was born as a product that combines the natural texture of natural wood with handmade glass.
These vessels are the embodiment of our desire to convey the majesty and beauty of the natural material of wood that we confront, so that "craftsmanship" will continue for a long time.
Now on sale ~3/31
Growsum is an eco-luxury lifestyle brand created to blend naturally into spaces and bring a glimmer of light to the important moments of everyday life.
LP from kumamoto japan
Standard manufacturing that colors the dining table. A tea brand blended with fresh herbs and ingredients from Kyushu LP from kumamoto japan
Organic herbal tea delivered from Italy, the home of herbs, is more accessible. It is an organic, caffeine-free, and drink series that is particular about ingredients.
Fragrance of Kumano
We are particular about "natural products" and create products that focus on "people" and "health". We deliver "real things" from Shingu City, Wakayama Prefecture, the World Heritage Site "Kumano".
We brew beer that makes use of the blessings of local nature that can be comfortable forever in the satoyama of Keihoku, Kyoto City.

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Pickles Lab Hokkaido ~Hokkaido Pickles Research Institute~
We try to create products that prepare the mind and body from safe and secure food.
Dogo Pickles
We want to deliver delicious vegetables and fruits grown in the rich land of Ehime to as many people as possible. With that in mind, we make pickles that you can drink down to the last drop.
Fukuoka Pickles
It is an additive-free pickle made by a greengrocer who sells organic vegetables in Fukuoka City.
It is a luxurious pickle made from 100% sweet potatoes grown by natural farming!
Wildcat Bottling Research Institute
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Intestinal activity KIKUIMO
The KIKUIMO series is a processed food that uses high-quality Hokkaido chrysanthemums that are particular about the manufacturing method, and can easily "intestinal activity" (adjusting the intestinal environment and making good bacteria predominant).
Organic Vege Annex
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Vacuum delicatessen pack "VEGE DELI" made using only organic vegetables and additive-free seasonings
Health Marche Co., Ltd.
With the slogan "Good health for all," Kenko Marche Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer that makes products centered on vegetables and fruits.
Kafukudo Kitchen
Save the world! A sustainable sweets & sozai specialty store in Hakodate. We manufacture cool sweets made from white sweet potatoes and retort packs of vegetables that can be used to save time and become emergency food.
Hatena Sauce
A little unusual seasoning, pickle or syrup. Because it is a taste that has never been seen before, you can eat it in your own way without sticking to how to eat it or the recipe of the dish. Please enjoy it with a sense of feeling.
A new sensation 🌱 of "supplementing vegetables" It is an upcycled and plant-based food that 🍽 pursues nutrition and deliciousness
Norte Carta
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Horiyama Raku Shoten
Manufacture and wholesale of Hokkaido's original craft seasonings and food products based on natural ingredients from Hokkaido, which is rich in nature
North Farm Stock
North Farm Stock contains the idea of "brewing delicious food from Hokkaido". We are particular about the original recipe, and everything from bottling to shipping is done with our own hands.
Ashiya Vivid
Because I give it on a daily basis, I want to choose something safe and secure! Such a parenthood ... At Ashiya Vivid, we consistently carry out everything from manufacturing to sales of what we feed our dogs.
Get fun eating and health with foam food! Let's experience a meal of bubbles with foam ponzu sauce made from yuzu from Kochi Prefecture, bubble soy sauce that can be expected to reduce salt, and [Awamoto], which makes various liquids into foam!
Soup to enjoy vegetables
A soup specialty store that focuses on Hokkaido and domestic vegetables. Born from food delivery that is popular with foreign customers.
Wakamiya Koya
It is a long-established store founded in the 19th year of the Meiji era. Using only carefully selected domestic ingredients, we deliver non-alcoholic and sugar-free products that can be enjoyed with peace of mind by health-conscious people.
Utilizing crops such as thinning and plucking, which have no use until now, and substandard products that are difficult to put on distribution, All of the bottled and canned food that can be "made" only by chef is made by hand
It is an additive-free dressing. It is an "additive-free", "domestic vegetable" and "handmade" dressing made in Minamioguni Town, Aso District, Kumamoto Prefecture, which is famous for Kurokawa Onsen and where a clear stream flows.
Raw food snacks full of live enzymes and nutrients nurtured by Spain's bountiful bounty
Satoyama Vegetable Co., Ltd.
Under the slogan of "Designing the body in three years' time," we are consistently involved in the planning, manufacturing, and development of products that are designed for the body, starting with the cultivation of vegetables that utilize the functions of microorganisms in the soil.
Aya Yuzu
With a variety of products using freshly picked yuzu from Soto City, Kagoshima Prefecture, which is full of charm, we want to color the dining tables of households nationwide with "yuzuiro".
Noyama Raku School
A couple who wanted to be teachers, Cherishing excitement and creating a "fun school" where you can enjoy what you want to do I started my business in August 2023.
HAKKŌ Plant Based Deli
Brewmasters, chefs, and marketers from the entertainment industry from abroad team up to create delicious plant-based foods.
SUN Farm Ichihara
It is a farm that cultivates fruit trees while generating electricity through solar sharing. We made a drinking vinegar that is friendly to the environment and the body with blueberries grown with clean energy.
Wise man's FPL
Based on the theme of "only meat and salt as raw materials", we manufacture safe and secure processed foods. Carefully selected ingredients derived from nature to pursue healthier and more natural deliciousness. Lineup of smoked products made using our own method
The biggest feature of HIME-LIA olive oil is its "unique manufacturing method" that presses frozen olive fruit.
A vinegar shop that has been in business for 140 years. We manufacture vinegar that is particular about organic ingredients, additive-free, and domestic raw materials. Based on old-style brewing, we make higher quality vinegar by adding our own manufacturing method.
Earth Snacks
Sweets that can be easily eaten as a daily snack with peace of mind from small children to the elderly. We carefully select those that allow you to enjoy the original goodness of the ingredients, and develop recipes that do not use unnecessary ingredients.
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