We visit excellent organic wine producers one by one, check the vineyards and equipment with our own eyes, and above all, talk directly with the producers and carefully select them after understanding their philosophy. We value relationships that can be long-lasting.
Representative Tamura, who has been stationed in Europe for 11 years as a marketer for a major food manufacturer and has tasted the taste of the finest chefs and countless wines, confidently selects them in consideration of the climate of Japan and the tastes of Japan people.
In addition, my friend from before the company's founding, Mr. Gérard Boisseau = Desuart, always tastes the wine and gives me advice.
*Gérard Boisseau = Mr. Desuard
Mr. Gérard = Boisseau (commonly known as Mr. Boisseau), a leading expert in French food culture, which is said to be the best in the world, also always tastes wine. For more than 25 years, Mr. Boisseau has educated sommeliers and restaurant service professionals at the Ferrandi School in Paris, France's premier school, and has written textbooks for sommeliers. He also frequently visits Japan as a judge for Japan sommelier competitions, is an expert on the compatibility of Japan food and wine, and has worked with Tamura for more than 30 years since 1992.