Carefully selected vegetables grown at the foot of Mt. Fuji,
After steaming it slowly, it was dried in the sun and in a machine to make a powder.
Depending on how you use vegetable powder, you can easily make a variety of recipes.
If you add dashi and milk (or soy milk) to this vegetable powder, you can make authentic pottage or soup on the spot, or if you add your favorite amount of sugar and dissolve it in hot water, you can easily make "vegetable bean paste" and enjoy making colorful sweets. Toss it with mayonnaise and salt, and you'll have a paste or dressing in no time.
Processing in the kitchen from scratch takes time and utility costs, but with powder, you can easily handle it without worrying about loss such as disposal of surplus ingredients because it can be made with just hot water.
You can also dissolve the powder in hot water to make baby food or nursing food. The vegetables are grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers, so you can enjoy them with confidence.