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Do you know what a good thing is Sober Curious? Enjoy non-alcoholic.

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We want to propose to customers who choose not to drink, a stylish and healthy non-alcoholic drink
"Sober Curious" is "a lifestyle in which you dare not drink alcohol. Due to the growing health consciousness, more and more people are choosing not to drink alcohol, even in places where they usually enjoy alcohol. It has begun to be disseminated on social media, mainly by Generation Z in Europe and the United States, and the number of "Sobacurians" practicing Sober Curious is increasing around the world.
Unlike abstinence and abstinence, the point is that not drinking alcohol is viewed positively. By eliminating alcohol, you can be freed from the harmful effects of drinking such as hangovers and emotional instability, improve the quality of sleep, improve work efficiency, and clean your skin.
In response to the increasing number of non-alcoholic drink enthusiasts in Japan, major beverage companies in Japan are making serious efforts to develop non-alcoholic beverages. According to Suntory's survey, the market for non-alcoholic RTD-flavored beverages (*) grew significantly in 2022 by 116% year-on-year.
Sober Curious has a high affinity with themes such as natural-oriented and sustainability, and the number of general stores that display non-alcoholic beverages is increasing. This summer, why don't you propose a new style of "drinking" from the sales floor?
In this article, we will cover items that will liven up the drinking table even for non-alcoholics, such as carbonated drinks that refresh the throat, stylish energy drinks, and gorgeous non-alcoholic champelice with gold leaf that liven up the toast scene.
* RTD beverage: An abbreviation for "Ready to Drink". Alcoholic beverages such as canned chu-hai sours, canned cocktails, and highball cans that can be drunk immediately.

Crisp and refreshing with carbonation. Craft cola and ginger ale syrup that is good for the body

If you like beer and sours, we recommend that you try carbonated drinks such as cola and ginger ale instead of alcohol. The refreshing taste of carbonation is perfect for hot days.
The "craft cola based on the concept of time," which is a hot topic on TV and SNS, is unique and can be enjoyed by everyone at the place of drinking as a gift. Ginger ale made from ginger also warms the body, making it a great choice for those who are concerned about the cold.
OFFCOLA / Additive-free and coloring-free natural craft cola based on the concept of "time" born in Shibuya, Tokyo
Born in Shibuya, TokyoAdditive-free, coloring-free natural craft cola "[OFF COLA]" based on the concept of "time" is a hot topic on TV
Produced by Japan's top pastry chef "Hayashi Kyoki", the depth of flavor using domestic cane sugar, tonka beans, and more than 10 kinds of natural spices is popular with both alcohol drinkers and non-drinkers.
It is unique in that it proposes a different taste depending on the time of drinking.
[6:00 pm] is a drink in the evening and is characterized by the gentle sweetness and spiciness of caraway.
[2:00 a.m.] is a refreshing taste to drink at midnight. The scent of lemongrass and ginger is refreshing.
Popular with women in their 20s ~ early 30sIt has been introduced mainly to cafes, shisha shops, and hamburger shops. The packaging is also stylish, and it is a product that can be suggested to those who are looking for a unique souvenir.
Itoku Foods / Ginger syrup that warms the body made seriously by a ginger shop
The number of health-conscious people is increasing, and the market for ginger beverages is growing worldwide.
Itoku Foods, a ginger manufacturer in Hiroshima Prefecture, purchases ginger from all over the country,With the company motto of "Body temperature revolution with ginger", a product for people who are suffering from coldI'm making it.
In 2021, through crowdfunding, three new products were released, including "Craft Cola," which was made seriously by a ginger shop. If you divide it with carbonic acid, it looks like alcohol and refreshes your throat. But if you drink ginger, you can kill two birds with one stone, which makes you healthy from the core of your body.
Not only ginger, but also other ingredients are used to cool the body.。 Steamed ginger contains 33 times more shogaol than raw ginger (according to the Analysis Center). Steamed ginger is called "dry ginger" in China and is often used in Chinese medicine. It is also a recommended product for women who are concerned about the cold in the summer.

Amazake attracts the attention of beauty- and health-conscious women

Amazake, which has become a hot topic in recent years, has long been popular as an energy drink to prevent summer heat, but its nutritional value and ingredients that are good for the body have become a hot topic, and in recent years it has become popular as a "drinking infusion" and has led the boom.
Important nutrients such as glucose, essential amino acids, B vitamins, and enzymes contained in amazake have the function of adjusting the intestinal environment and suppressing the rise in blood pressure. In addition, it contains a wealth of ingredients that can be expected to have beauty effects such as body makeup and skin improvement, so it is also recommended for women who are sensitive to beauty.
Furumachi Rice Factory/Flavored amazake that appears in all four seasons from Niigata
Furumachi Manufactory, which conveys the charm of the world of glue and fermentation through a cup of amazake, was founded in 2009 in Niigata Prefecture, where rice is boiledJapan's first sweet sake specialty storeAre.
"Shrine Ale" is a product made by adding domestic ginger juice to amazake made only from rice and rice bran.The power of the rice brings out the sweetness of the rice, and you can feel the surprisingly rich sweetness without using sugar。 The addition of ginger gives a refreshing impression, and it is recommended to drink it well chilled in hot weather. By warming it in the winter, it also has the heat retention effect of ginger, making it fluffy from the core of the body.
In addition, the brand's products include:A lineup of flavored amazake that appears in all four seasonsis a feature. We handle more than 15 types of arranged products throughout the year, and propose various ways to enjoy amazake.
It is a product that is in high demand as a gift for gifts and as a greeting item for the season. It is also available at miscellaneous goods select shops in the prefecture and Tokyo, as well as roadside stations in the Kanto region (Roadside Station Ashigara).
Kasuya Co., Ltd. / Amazake made from 100% of "Akitakomachi", which is characterized by its deep richness and sweetness
Located in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture, "Kazuya Fujihira" is a long-established restaurant that has been in business for 450 years (Eiroku 9) and has been around since the Muromachi period.
The company's self-confident work "Amazake of Tohei Kasuya"Non-sugar, non-alcoholic amazake made from 100% Akita Komachi from Akita PrefectureAre. Akita Komachi's amazake is characterized by its deep richness and sweetness. And above all, the rich scent of raw manure spreads. There is a firm grain in the mellow mouthfeel of Akita Komachi, and it is satisfying to drink.A popular product for menAre.
It is a traditional sweet sake that is recommended for those who drink it with their families and those who want to drink it every day.
By working from the inside of the body, it maintains good skin condition and is a product that is supported by female customers who are highly sensitive to health and beauty. The pop illustration on the package is cute, making it perfect for gifts and gifts.

Non-alcoholic beverages that taste authentic with aroma and taste

Also popular with alcohol lovers are coffee flavored with alcohol and non-alcoholic wine. While enjoying the scent, it will liven up the place.
The wine-flavored beverage market continues to grow, and major beverage companies are all focusing on it.
As the value of non-alcoholic wine continues to diversify, it is expected to continue to expand as a value-added category that can meet the demand for not only health consciousness but also emotional value and luxury.
Alps coffee lAb. / The world's first infused coffee specialty store
Infused coffee is coffee made by transferring flavors from other sources of coffee by infusion (pickling) from the coffee production stage to the post-production stage. Syrups, fruits, and spices are often used, but there are also unique products that add flavor with alcohol.
“Alps coffee lAb.” Infused CoffeeA unique product in which raw beans are soaked in alcohol before roasting and roasted to skip the alcohol。 It is a rarity that you can enjoy flavors such as whiskey and wine, and there is no doubt that it will be a hot topic at the alcohol table.
It is supported by a wide range of people, including coffee enthusiasts and those who could not drink coffee. Samples are also available, so if you are interested, please give it a try.
SHIMANTO DOMEKI CO., LTD. / Non-alcoholic bio wine made from the best vineyards in Spain
Here are some products that can be proposed to customers who are interested in authenticity as one of the new ways to enjoy wine and options.
"LUSSORY non-alcoholic wine-flavored beverage" from SpainIt is made with natural and pure wines, consisting of grapes grown in the best vineyards
Sparkling has citrus and tropical fruit aromas, and has a strong, elegant taste. It is a brut type, spreads well, is soft and balanced. It is perfect for a toast drink and is also popular as a gift.
White wine has a lively herb and white floral aroma and a fresh taste that goes well with seafood, Japanese food, paella, cheese, and fruit.
There are three types of Russoli products: red, white, and sparkling, and you can choose according to the scene and cuisine.

A drink that allows you to build your body wisely while toasting

How about Sober Curious's suggestion to take it up a notch: "Choose a drink that revitalizes the body with protein and energy ingredients instead of alcohol."
Energy drinks tend to be shunned by women because they often contain additives, caffeine, white sugar, etc., but there are also products that were born from the idea of medicinal dishes without using any of them. It is a great option for women who aim for beauty from the inside.
For those who want to heal their fatigue and those who like sports, the protein drink. It is also ideal for dieting and creating beautiful skin, so this is also a product that female customers can proceed with confidence.
penta CRAFT NATURAL ENERGY / a natural and body-friendly next-generation energy drink born from the idea of medicinal food
For customers who are particular about their health,A next-generation energy drink born from the idea of medicinal foodHow about a suggestion?
The drink of "penta CRAFT NATURAL ENERGY", a natural and body-friendly next-generation energy drink specialty store born from the idea of medicinal food,Natural energy components obtained from spices and herbsSupport every day.Brain activation・Refresh・An original blend that takes advantage of the efficacy of carefully selected natural ingredients with the keyword of awakening, and does not use caffeine, white sugar, preservatives, or artificial colorsSo don't worry.
"penta CRAFT ENERGY "SYRUP" BITTER + YUZU" is a refreshing addition to the basic spices and herbs by adding Yuzu Katsuragi, which is famous for its high quality. With your favorite arrangement such as carbonated water.
It is supported by a wide range of customers from their 20s to 60s, and is recommended not only for its deliciousness, but also for those who care about beauty and health.
MURB / Protein water that can be drunk like a sports drink, which is great for women
"MURB" is a drink developed so that women who enjoy triathlon can easily replenish nutrients such as high-quality protein.
Like a sports drink, MULB is a delicious and easy product for those who want to improve their performance.Since it is made from high-quality whey protein isolate, it has high absorption efficiency and delivers protein to the muscles by drinking it at the moment when the body needs itYou can:
In addition, it contains almost no lactose and is safe for those who drink milk or protein to upset their stomachs. Protein takes a long time to digest and consumes a large amount of digestive energy, but MURB is made with thought out to the PH range where the digestive burden does not occur as much as possible.
Contrary to the cute package, it is an ingredient that has been carefully thought out for body building, and is recommended for those who play sports and those who are concerned about body makeup.

What is it? A unique drink that is heard

If you have a cute looking and unique drink in one hand, you are likely to have a lively conversation at a drinking party. Non-alcoholic drinks, which have a cute appearance, are the perfect choice for positive sobacurians.
The value of being plain and boring because it's non-alcoholic is a thing of the past. The glamorous and topical non-alcoholic beverage is a hot seller even for party-loving customers.
DENEN / sparkling non-alcoholic toast drink
Cheers! If you put the glasses together with the voice, the gold leaf in the champagne glass sparkles, like a scene from a movie.
Ishikawa's unique toast drink, which combines Kanazawa's "gold leaf" and Noto's "salt," is perfect for toasting at celebrations such as Christmas and New Year's.
Since it is non-alcoholic, everyone from children to the elderly and those who cannot drink alcohol can toast together and enjoy a gorgeous feeling. In addition, because it is a unique product filled with Ishikawa traditions, it is appreciated as a souvenir or gift.
【Butterfly Pea / Blue Herbal Tea】 RITCH BLUE TEA (for beauty and health) / Pesticide-free tea with a fun color
It is an herbal tea that uses the naturally derived anthocyanin pigment "blue" by drying and powdering butterfly pea flowers produced in-house without pesticides.
It is a tea made only with pesticide-free butterfly peas and pesticide-free mint, and uses safe and secure ingredients. It has a very refreshing taste with no miscellaneous taste.
It can be boiled with water or hot water. If you add acid, it will reply to the pink tea, so you can enjoy the appearance depending on the arrangement.
It's full of anthocyanins, so it's perfect for customers who are conscious of health and beauty.It is a product.

Glasses that make the table stylish

If you pour non-alcoholic drinks into wine glasses, you will get used to the atmosphere of the drinking place, and it will be a mechanism that can be enjoyed by both drinkers and non-drinkers.
Pour your favorite beverage into a stylish glass for a casual touch.
Manses Design / Glasses from Sweden that add a nostalgic mood to the table
The concept of "Manses Design", a tableware brand from Sweden that is close to everyday life, is "to spend a fun and meaningful time around the dining table".
Wine glasses with a chic dark amber color just put it onA nostalgic texture and a slightly different table coordinationIt will be finished.Short leg designto a cute atmosphere. Not only as a wine glass, but also as a soft drink such as water and tea. It is easy to use and can be used in a wide range of scenes.
The popular tumbler has a simple form and a large capacity of 350 ml. It is useful in various scenes, such as when you want to take a lot of water or while adding ice.
This product is popular with those who like Scandinavian design and simple and chic table coordination, and is also available in restaurants and cafes that are particular about ingredients.
PROGRESS / It's as beautiful as a melting jewel. Jewelry glasses created from space development technology.
"PROGRESS" glasses shine like jewelry and create a special space.
The aurora borealis shining on the surface of the glass is reproduced with cutting-edge technology。 Its mysterious colors are beautiful that you will want to look at forever. The light of the aurora borealis has the same 1/f fluctuation as the flame of a bonfire or the sound of waves, and can be expected to have a relaxing effect. In additionThe high-purity titanium applied to the inner surface of the glass with high body affinity breaks down the miscellaneous taste of the drink and mellows the tasteIt does. It is friendly to people and safe in terms of hygiene. It is resistant to odors and stains, and has a full range of functions.
Even if you don't have alcohol, you can be enchanted by its beauty, and it's perfect for a sober curious time.
It is chosen not only for those who purchase it for themselves, but also for event gifts such as birthdays and wedding gifts, regardless of gender. It has been sold at more than 100 locations in Japan at department stores, commercial facilities, and select shops, and in more than 10 countries overseas, and is attracting attention from overseas customers.

Delicious and unique snacks

Snacks that complement your drink will make your time with Sober Curious even more enjoyable. The snacks that cannot be purchased anywhere else, which are particular about the ingredients and production methods, can be enjoyed by both drinkers and non-drinkers while talking together, and it seems that they will liven up a special moment.
momo21 / Nutritious nuts with a focus on freshness
The classic snack "nuts" are easy to reach for.
The fragrant and nutritious nuts of "momo21" that have inherited the feeling of a manufacturer who is particular about freshnesswill lead you to a healthy and energetic life from the inside of your body.
The popular "mixed nuts" are perfect for snacks and when you're hungry. Giant corn, which is popular for replenishing nutrition before exercise, is at the top of the list, as well as peanuts, cashews, and almonds. It's a little salty and chewy.
The brand is known as:Blended herbal teas with various benefitsAlso expanded. Citrus lemon, which has a refreshing scent of lemongrass, and rosehips, which condition the skin, are also recommended.
It is supported by a wide range of age groups, from people in their 20s to the elderly, and is popular for its natural sweetness, aroma, and cuteness of the package. Both nuts and herbal teas are moderately sized and are often used as gifts.
Tsunokichi Co., Ltd. / Excellent compatibility with wine and Japan sake! Celery and ginger jam
"Celery and ginger jam" from "Tsunokichi Co., Ltd." is perfect for wine and Japan sake, and it is also a unique snack.
Taking advantage of the indescribable refreshing aroma of celery that escapes through the nose, the jam is made with "crude sugar" made from 100% sugar cane from Tanegashima and domestic "iced sugar" made from 100% beet sugar from Hokkaido. By using apples together, even those who do not like celery can eat itAt. It is recommended to use it as a standard method such as yogurt, but also to match it with cheese.
You can enjoy it as it is as it is, as a chopstick rest, wine, Japan sake and other alcoholic beverages.
Sturgeon-LOHAS / Smoked caviar purveyor of five-star hotels
For gifts and gifts, hors d'oeuvres that make a little difference from others.
Sturgeon-LOHAS (Sturgeon-LOHAS)Mie Prefecture's first domestic sturgeon (sturgeon) cultivation and domestic fresh caviarBrands that are producing of. We thoroughly maintain freshness from breeding management to product processing.
Oku Ise Sturgeon Smoke" is served as a "Sturgeon Smoked Salad" at the Grand Hyatt Tokyo, and the quality is endorsed. It is smoked like prosciutto, with a delicious meat quality that is not habitual and is delicious even for sashimi, the aroma of cherry blossom chips, and the plump texture and umami.
Okuise caviarBestel caviar, which is said to be equivalent to the king of caviar "Beluga" caviar, selects only large caviar with an egg diameter of 3.0 mm or more.Gift gift in paulownia boxIt is also perfect as a gift. In March of the 5th year of Reiwa, it was dedicated to the outer shrine of Ise Jingu.
What did you think of the "Sober Curious Feature"?
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Brands featured in this article

Additive-free and coloring-free natural craft cola [OFF COLA] born in Shibuya, Tokyo, based on the concept of "time".
Itoku Foods
Manufacturer specializing in ginger. We purchase ginger from all over the country and make products for people who are suffering from cold with the company motto "Revolution body temperature with ginger".
Furumachi Manufactory
A sweet sake specialty store in Niigata. Through a cup of amazake, we will tell you the charm of the world of bran and fermentation.
Kazuya Corporation
Founded 450 years ago (Eiroku 9 years), "Kazuya Fujihei" in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture It is a long-established sushi shop that has been around since the Muromachi period in 1566.
Alps coffee lAb.
The world's first store specializing in infused coffee Alps coffee lAb. "The only roastery that redefines coffee"
A next-generation energy drink specialty store that is natural and gentle on the body, born from the idea of medicinal dishes. It supports every day with natural energy ingredients obtained from spices and herbs.
Rare seawater salt made in the "Agehama salt pan" that remains only on the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture.
【Butterfly Pea / Blue Herbal Tea】 RITCH BLUE TEA (FOR BEAUTY AND HEALTH)
It is an herbal tea that uses the naturally derived anthocyanin pigment "blue" by drying and powdering butterfly pea flowers produced in-house without pesticides.
Manses Design
A tableware brand from Sweden that is close to everyday life Manses Design
It's as beautiful as a melted gem. Jewelry glasses created from space development technology.
Prepare your body from the inside and power yourself more! Considering the balance between the body and the mind, we will introduce items that allow you to polish yourself from both the outer and inner layers.
Tsunoyoshi Corporation
"Prepare food that you want to feed your loved ones" We spare no effort to make it happen. The five flavors are harmonious and the charm of the materials can be felt. That's the kind of taste we aim for.

Brands related to this article

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Mellow Cola
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A natural stone Karelian soapstone product brand with heat storage that was born 2.8 billion years ago in Finland. Introducing a wide range of items such as sauna, wellness, and dining.
Dan de Herbs
A cup of cured tea a day will make every day healthy. Dan de Herbs for delicious tea with organic herbs.
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It is a herbal tea specialty store that is particular about organic ingredients. We have a wide range of products to find the perfect blend for each person.

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