
お茶はもっと自由で良い 「お茶の可能性は無限大」 様々な事に挑戦する、静岡の茶問屋です。

TSUMUGI(煎茶)はふじのくに山のお茶100選にも選ばれた本山のお茶です。 有機栽培をされたお茶で、希少な在来品種、伝統的な浅蒸し茶で旨味が感じと爽やかな香りが特徴です。 特徴的なパッケージはシュガーアーティストの海外でも活躍されるKOYUKIさんの絵をパッケージに使用しています。鮮やかで繊細で、力強い作品は自然と共存しお茶作りをしている背景にぴったりです。 静岡県の本山(ほんやま)地区という山の奥深い所に位置する茶畑で、山の水を汚さないようにと丁寧に育てられた希少な茶。 マルキョウ商店の契約農家さんのご協力の上、特別に仕入れた静岡茶。 川の水を汚さない環境配慮型の栽培方法(有機栽培)。自家配合の肥料を使用し、地球環境への負荷を最小限に抑えています。 自然の恵みを最大限に引き出し、安心して健康的なお茶を楽しむことができます。 お茶そのものの個性を最大限引き出す”シングルオリジン(単一品種)“ TSUMUGI (sencha) is the tea of Honyama, selected as one of the 100 best mountain teas in Fujinokuni. It is an organically grown tea, a rare native variety, and a traditional shallow steamed tea with a delicious flavor and fresh aroma. The distinctive packaging uses a painting by KOYUKI, a sugar artist who is also active overseas, for the packaging. The vivid, delicate, and powerful artwork is a perfect backdrop for a tea production that coexists with nature. This rare tea is carefully grown in the Honyama district of Shizuoka Prefecture, deep in the mountains, so as not to pollute the mountain water. This Shizuoka tea is specially procured with the cooperation of Marukyo Shoten's contract farmers. Environmentally friendly cultivation method (organic cultivation) that does not pollute river water. We use our own compounded fertilizers to minimize the burden on the global environment. Maximizing the blessings of nature, you can enjoy healthy tea with peace of mind. Single origin" (single variety) tea that maximizes the individuality of the tea itself. 産地紹介:静岡県の本山で育てられました。この地の土地がもたらす、自然の旨みと香りをお楽しみいただけます。 「本山」という地方は、静岡市街から車で50分以上進むと辿り着く、人の手がほぼ入っていない場所です。この遠隔地の秘境に位置し、自然がそのまま息づく静寂な土地です。清らかな水が山々を潤し、人々が手を加えることなく、自然の摂理に従って育まれたお茶が栽培されています。このような限られた環境下で育まれた茶葉は、大変希少性が高いと評価されています。 Production area: Grown in Honyama, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. You can enjoy the natural flavor and aroma of the land here. Honyama is a region that is almost completely untouched by humans and can be reached by car in more than 50 minutes from the city of Shizuoka. Located in this remote and unexplored region, it is a quiet land where nature is still intact. The mountains are fed by pure water, and the tea is grown according to the natural order of things, without human intervention. Tea leaves grown in such a limited environment are highly valued for their rarity. おすすめの淹れ方(7煎楽しめる淹れ方) 1煎目 茶葉5g、お湯65~70℃、50ml、20秒 2煎目:茶葉そのまま、お湯50ml、20秒 3煎目:80℃、50ml、20秒 4煎目以降 90℃、50ml、20秒 How to drink up to the 7th decoction 1st decoction: 5g tea leaves, hot water 65-70℃, 50ml, 20seconds 2nd decoction: tea leaves as they are, 50ml of water, 20seconds 3rd infusion: 80°C, 50ml, 20 seconds 4th and after: 90°C, 50ml, 20 seconds 基本的な淹れ方(温度・茶量・・抽出時間・抽出可能回数等): 1.急須はお湯で温めて置く 2.急須の湯を捨て、茶葉を6g入れる 3.湯冷ましした60℃前後のお湯を200cc注ぎ、1分30秒蒸らしてから淹れる。 4.2煎目は70℃ほどのお湯で30秒蒸らしてから淹れる。 5.3煎目は80℃ほどのお湯で10秒蒸らしてから淹れる。 注ぎ終わった後の茶葉もそのまま召し上がることができます。 葉肉が柔らかく爽やかな香りを楽しめます。有機のお茶ならではのそのまままるごと食べても安心、健康にも良いです! Production area: Grown in Motoyama, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. You can enjoy the natural flavor and aroma of the land here. Motoyama is a region that is almost completely untouched by humans and can be reached by car in more than 50 minutes from the city of Shizuoka. Located in this remote and unexplored region, it is a quiet land where nature is still intact. The mountains are fed by pure water, and the tea is grown according to the natural order of things, without human intervention. Tea leaves grown in such a limited environment are highly valued for their rarity. Production area: Grown in Honyama, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. You can enjoy the natural flavor and aroma of the land here. Honyama is a region that is almost completely untouched by humans and can be reached by car in more than 50 minutes from the city of Shizuoka. The mountains are fed by pure water, and the tea is grown according to the natural order of things, without human intervention. Tea leaves grown in such a limited environment are highly valued for their rarity. Basic brewing instructions (temperature, amount of tea, brewing time, number of brews possible, etc.) Warm the teapot with hot water. Drain the water from the teapot and add 6g of tea leaves. Pour 200 cc of cooled water (around 60℃) into the kyusu and let it steep for 1 minute and 30 seconds before brewing. 4. For the second brewing, steep the tea for 30 seconds in hot water at around 70°C. For the third infusion, steep the tea for 10 seconds in hot water at about 80°C. The tea leaves can be served as they are after pouring. The leaf flesh is soft and you can enjoy its fresh aroma. It is safe and healthy to eat the whole tea as it is, which is unique to organic tea!

インバウンド向け【有機煎茶 TSUMUGI Organic Green Tea】シュガーアーティスト KOYUKIさんとのスペシャルコラボ 30gチャック袋入り

TSUMUGI(煎茶)はふじのくに山のお茶100選にも選ばれた本山のお茶です。 有機栽培をされたお茶で、希少な在来品種、伝統的な浅蒸し茶で旨味が感じと爽やかな香りが特徴です。 特徴的なパッケージはシュガーアーティストの海外でも活躍されるKOYUKIさんの絵をパッケージに使用しています。鮮やかで繊細で、力強い作品は自然と共存しお茶作りをしている背景にぴったりです。 静岡県の本山(ほんやま)地区という山の奥深い所に位置する茶畑で、山の水を汚さないようにと丁寧に育てられた希少な茶。 マルキョウ商店の契約農家さんのご協力の上、特別に仕入れた静岡茶。 川の水を汚さない環境配慮型の栽培方法(有機栽培)。自家配合の肥料を使用し、地球環境への負荷を最小限に抑えています。 自然の恵みを最大限に引き出し、安心して健康的なお茶を楽しむことができます。 お茶そのものの個性を最大限引き出す”シングルオリジン(単一品種)“ TSUMUGI (sencha) is the tea of Honyama, selected as one of the 100 best mountain teas in Fujinokuni. It is an organically grown tea, a rare native variety, and a traditional shallow steamed tea with a delicious flavor and fresh aroma. The distinctive packaging uses a painting by KOYUKI, a sugar artist who is also active overseas, for the packaging. The vivid, delicate, and powerful artwork is a perfect backdrop for a tea production that coexists with nature. This rare tea is carefully grown in the Honyama district of Shizuoka Prefecture, deep in the mountains, so as not to pollute the mountain water. This Shizuoka tea is specially procured with the cooperation of Marukyo Shoten's contract farmers. Environmentally friendly cultivation method (organic cultivation) that does not pollute river water. We use our own compounded fertilizers to minimize the burden on the global environment. Maximizing the blessings of nature, you can enjoy healthy tea with peace of mind. Single origin" (single variety) tea that maximizes the individuality of the tea itself. 産地紹介:静岡県の本山で育てられました。この地の土地がもたらす、自然の旨みと香りをお楽しみいただけます。 「本山」という地方は、静岡市街から車で50分以上進むと辿り着く、人の手がほぼ入っていない場所です。この遠隔地の秘境に位置し、自然がそのまま息づく静寂な土地です。清らかな水が山々を潤し、人々が手を加えることなく、自然の摂理に従って育まれたお茶が栽培されています。このような限られた環境下で育まれた茶葉は、大変希少性が高いと評価されています。 Production area: Grown in Honyama, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. You can enjoy the natural flavor and aroma of the land here. Honyama is a region that is almost completely untouched by humans and can be reached by car in more than 50 minutes from the city of Shizuoka. Located in this remote and unexplored region, it is a quiet land where nature is still intact. The mountains are fed by pure water, and the tea is grown according to the natural order of things, without human intervention. Tea leaves grown in such a limited environment are highly valued for their rarity. おすすめの淹れ方(7煎楽しめる淹れ方) 1煎目 茶葉5g、お湯65~70℃、50ml、20秒 2煎目:茶葉そのまま、お湯50ml、20秒 3煎目:80℃、50ml、20秒 4煎目以降 90℃、50ml、20秒 How to drink up to the 7th decoction 1st decoction: 5g tea leaves, hot water 65-70℃, 50ml, 20seconds 2nd decoction: tea leaves as they are, 50ml of water, 20seconds 3rd infusion: 80°C, 50ml, 20 seconds 4th and after: 90°C, 50ml, 20 seconds 基本的な淹れ方(温度・茶量・・抽出時間・抽出可能回数等): 1.急須はお湯で温めて置く 2.急須の湯を捨て、茶葉を6g入れる 3.湯冷ましした60℃前後のお湯を200cc注ぎ、1分30秒蒸らしてから淹れる。 4.2煎目は70℃ほどのお湯で30秒蒸らしてから淹れる。 5.3煎目は80℃ほどのお湯で10秒蒸らしてから淹れる。 注ぎ終わった後の茶葉もそのまま召し上がることができます。 葉肉が柔らかく爽やかな香りを楽しめます。有機のお茶ならではのそのまままるごと食べても安心、健康にも良いです! Production area: Grown in Motoyama, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. You can enjoy the natural flavor and aroma of the land here. Motoyama is a region that is almost completely untouched by humans and can be reached by car in more than 50 minutes from the city of Shizuoka. Located in this remote and unexplored region, it is a quiet land where nature is still intact. The mountains are fed by pure water, and the tea is grown according to the natural order of things, without human intervention. Tea leaves grown in such a limited environment are highly valued for their rarity. Production area: Grown in Honyama, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. You can enjoy the natural flavor and aroma of the land here. Honyama is a region that is almost completely untouched by humans and can be reached by car in more than 50 minutes from the city of Shizuoka. The mountains are fed by pure water, and the tea is grown according to the natural order of things, without human intervention. Tea leaves grown in such a limited environment are highly valued for their rarity. Basic brewing instructions (temperature, amount of tea, brewing time, number of brews possible, etc.) Warm the teapot with hot water. Drain the water from the teapot and add 6g of tea leaves. Pour 200 cc of cooled water (around 60℃) into the kyusu and let it steep for 1 minute and 30 seconds before brewing. 4. For the second brewing, steep the tea for 30 seconds in hot water at around 70°C. For the third infusion, steep the tea for 10 seconds in hot water at about 80°C. The tea leaves can be served as they are after pouring. The leaf flesh is soft and you can enjoy its fresh aroma. It is safe and healthy to eat the whole tea as it is, which is unique to organic tea!
¥1,000 (税込 ¥1,080)
??? %
¥1,800 (税込 ¥1,944)
??? %
インバウンド向け【有機煎茶 TSUMUGI Organic Green Tea】シュガーアーティスト KOYUKIさんとのスペシャルコラボ 30gチャック袋入り



お茶はもっと自由で良い 「お茶の可能性は無限大」 様々な事に挑戦する、静岡の茶問屋です。






インバウンド向け【有機煎茶 TSUMUGI Organic Green Tea】シュガーアーティスト KOYUKIさんとのスペシャルコラボ 30gチャック袋入り

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