Shipping within 2~3 business days
10 or more pieces are Kuroneko Yamato (according to size 80) Hokkaido ¥1,590 North Tohoku ¥1,260 South Tohoku, Kanto, Shinetsu, Hokuriku, Chubu 1,150 yen Kansai ¥1260 Chugoku, Shikoku ¥1370 Kyushu ¥1590 Okinawa ¥1920 For 10 sheets or less, Japan Post Click Post is also supported. Nationwide flat rate of 185 yen The delivery period is generally from the day after the delivery date to the next two days. It is not possible to specify the desired date and time of receipt. Please note that it may be delivered to the mailbox and may get wet in rainy weather. There is a tracking service.