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Which is the best-selling sustainable item at Ginza Loft?

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"Goods ✕ Ginza LOFT" POP UP "The Color for me" for a limited time. Cute, functional and eco-friendly material. It's good for the body and kind to the earth. With the theme of such sustainable manufacturing, a large number of colorful items have been gathered!
The Color for Me was held at Ginza LOFT in the fall of this year. The pop-up store, which featured 42 brands specializing in sustainability, featured more than 290 items from upcycled bags to kitchen goods, bath goods, lifestyle goods, and more. Many people purchased it, and the sales were particularly high. The nine brands are ORGANIC LIVING, BAN INOUE, Bright-T, TETTESTORE RECORDBAG, THE SUPERMARKET TOKYO, PORTRUNKS, HAPPY∞ HAPPY, LEATHERECTION, and Asthree. Products such as bamboo toothbrushes, pencil cases, eco-brushes, bath salts, and drink bottles gained popularity. There are many other attractive brands that are committed to sustainability, and their colorful items catch the eye of consumers. Manufacturing is carried out with the aim of "a society that does not use too many resources and does not destroy the earth, but sustains a rich environment." The fact that you can contribute to the good of the earth by purchasing is now one of the attractions of products. Yet, when you pick it up, it is happy and easy to use, and it is easy to incorporate it into various scenes of your lifestyle, so we will introduce you to such a remarkable item! Be sure to try it at your store!
The best-selling item was the "Bamboo Toothbrush"! Was it surprising? The popular point is that it is easy to do by simply changing the plastic you always use to "bamboo". Little by little, more and more people are looking for things that are better for themselves and the planet than the ones they use every day! #竹歯ブラシ #脱プラスチック
Next is kitchen miscellaneous goods. While sticking to sustainable materials, of course, functionality is also ◎ Since it is a natural material, it fits stylishly even if you put it out in the kitchen, and it is popular for yourself or as a gift! #キッチン雑貨 #天然素材 #土に還る #伝統の技
Remove the necessary dirt and rinse with water. But at that time, these items were thoroughly pursued not to pollute the ocean and not to increase garbage. It's made with earth-friendly ingredients, so it's gentle on your skin. #肌にやさしい #海の豊かさを守ろう #詰め替え #ボトルレス
Pulled by bamboo toothbrushes, toothpaste sales also increased. I want to whiten my teeth! I want a toothpaste with natural ingredients that does not contain preservatives, colors, artificial flavors, etc.! If you are such a person, I recommend this one. One mouse can be used to care for the whole family. #ホワイトニング #トルマリン #天然ミント #オーガニック
From ancient Japan ingredients to ingredients loved by celebrities, we have items that were born from various natures on the earth. Let's aim for more beautiful and healthy skin with the power of nature! #植物由来 #青パパイヤ酵素 #シルク #米ぬか #エプソムソルト
Delicate zone care products that are often developed under the words femtech and pubicare. Recently, the number of gender-free items has increased. As one of the "taking care of yourself", take care of the most delicate parts of the body as a new habit of bath time. #フェムテック #ピュビケア #セクシャルウェルネス #オーガニック
How about these items for a relaxing time at home? Eye-catching colors and unusual scents can be a change of pace! #お家時間 #ヴィーガンスエード #蜜蝋 #アロマルームスプレー #紀州ヒノキ #クスノキ廃材
Energetic outing items. The eye-catching design and the ease of carrying make going out fun. Where would you go with this? #ポーチ #サコッシュ #トートバッグ #アップサイクル #ハンドメイド
We introduced various items, but were there any products that caught your attention? For goods, you can return your first brand purchase for 30 days. We also offer a large number of sales support goods such as promotional POPs. In addition, each brand page introduces the story of how the item was born in detail, so it is full of information that can be used when serving customers. Whether you've seen a brand you've seen before or a brand you're seeing for the first time, take this opportunity to try it out!

Brands featured in this article

A lifestyle brand from Okinawa that supports "sustainable living from today". All products are plastic-free.
Make eco-living more fun and easy! An eco-friendly brand that is affordable, easy to use, and designed, making you want to keep using it
There are no shortcuts to change the world. Join us in the fight to reduce plastic products.
A lifestyle brand that plans and sells household goods and clothes using natural materials such as hemp and mosquito nets. Made in Nara proposes a polite life that is typical of Japan.
Strawlific is a brand that spreads the 100% biodegradable straw "Sezy" to the world.
A sustainable material made from plant-derived resins from paper and corn. We sell tableware such as cups and tumblers that are in harmony with the earth.
Masuku Textile Research Institute
On this beautiful planet where we live, everything is circulating. Water, air, plants, animals. Make it carefully, use it carefully, and return it to nature without throwing it away as much as possible. Following the example of what the people of the past did as a matter of course only a hundred years ago, we sow cotton seeds in the fields and continue to make yarn and cloth. That is what we at the Masuku Dyeing and Textile Research Institute are.
An original brand of daily necessities launched by Okochi Furniture Workshop, led by Kiso lacquerware traditional craftsmen, to connect the technology and beauty of Kiso lacquerware, which has a tradition of 300 years, to the future.
It is gentle on the skin and safe to throw into the sea. A brand that develops "ideal detergents that are friendly to people and the environment" made from natural ingredients of palm nuts.
One Earth
One of the causes of polluting the earth is the careless discharge of domestic wastewater. We are working on Credo that if we clean the drains as much as possible, the earth can still be beautiful.
【Rich usability ×sustainable】With a rich usability as our top priority, we are making products that are friendly to people, the environment, the future, and the future, and sustainability that makes people feel close to us
A wellness brand that is thoroughly committed to ingredients and comfort. Tomorrow is better than today, and five years from tomorrow is tomorrow. For a happy future for yourself and someone you love, the best quality and the same value.
It is a domestic, quasi-drug oral care & soap brand with 100% natural ingredients using tourmaline stones, salt, and herbs.
Since it is something that you put in your mouth, I want you to choose it with particular attention to the ingredients and comfort of use. 100% naturally derived whitening toothpaste.
THERA is the name of a character who appears in the classics. It is said to have become the origin of the word "therapist" and the temple in Japan where herbal medicine was practiced in the past.
A cosmetics and apparel brand that protects nature materials with low environmental impact, such as endangered domestic silk, and integrates everything from agriculture to product development.
[Be me, be comfortable, and relax] There are various ways to "arrange" depending on each person Our role is to propose good things and good things necessary for "arranging"
Born from the wilderness of Mongolia, this is Mongolia's first natural skincare brand.
joscille skin&mind
For the skin. For the heart. Japan skincare made with natural ingredients that love the earth and make you feel healthy beauty. Kamakura flagship store, Isetan Beauty Apothecary permanently.
A natural skincare brand developed by a manufacturer that has been promoting research on "rice bran ingredients" around the world for more than half a century
Roots, leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits. An organic skincare brand that contains the power of whole plants
Mellow. ®
Make delicate zone care genderless. While enjoying the scent of essential oils, the delicate zone "skin care" that prepares "mellow skin in your own way"
Born in Japan and raised in Kenya for about 13 years from the age of four, artist Rui is a lifestyle brand inspired by nature and reflects his love for nature and animals in his prints.
Beeswax is a gift from God. In gratitude for the blessings of nature, we will deliver the finest beeswax.
Additive-free cosmetics and household goods made from reused sake lees and wood that would otherwise be discarded
Pitiable! Fair trade select shop. We will be the sales transfer destination of the Philippine international cooperation NGO LOOB Fair Trade business.
Helping the ocean with the power of fashion. Reduce the "waste" in the ocean just by using it. We will deliver products that allow people to feel close to the SDGs and participate in SDGs activities in a fun and convenient way.
"THE SUPERMARKET TOKYO" will continue to "create" products that can guarantee that everyone is "doing something good" in the world by using their products
Repurposing waste materials such as beverage packs into cool fashion items An eco-friendly brand that supports employment and education in the Philippines
Scrap car materials are reborn as fashionable bags. An eco-friendly "upcycled" bag brand from Germany.

Brands related to this article

Holytech Nagaruru
Born from the sensibilities of an active agricultural college student, this toothbrush is made of sustainable materials that are both "fashionable" and "functional".
The real me is surely more beautiful. To the original beauty. An organic cosmetics brand that advocates "Holistic Care that returns to me"
I want each person who wears it to mark their precious "time". Born in Germany, a country of product design, a "wooden" watch.
Botani Cannon
Skin joy, sustainable cosmetics of nature and Kagoshima. We aim to create cosmetics like "food" with 100% naturally-derived ingredients that deliver "freshness and seasonality" nurtured by the great nature of Kagoshima
Design the quality of life with fragrance. Focus on the power of plants.
The time I spent was the time I loved. Once you use it, you can't let it go. We propose international organic cosmetics certification, allergen-free, and the ultimate clay care.
Sustainable soil born from fibers increases greenery and connects to the future.
No Tox Life
A sustainable lifestyle brand from California that can be used safely for sensitive skin.

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