"GrowSpica" is an ergonomically crafted high-tech high-performance work chair that is necessary for the coming era. Lumbar support supports the lower back and helps the spine form an S-curve, leading to an ideal sitting position with the pelvis standing.
This product is especially recommended for those who are troubled by desk work and those who are working while feeling discomfort in their neck and lower back. With this work chair, even if you sit at a desk for a long time, the burden on your body will be reduced, and your daily productivity will be greatly assisted.
Overall size
Width 518 × Depth 670× Height 1060~1370mm (lifting type, large headrest adjustment range)
Detail Size
・Height: 46.5~58cm
・Width 51.8× Depth (67~70cm)
・Depth 60mm / 5 steps
・Height: 64~84.3cm
・Height 8.5cm / 17 steps
・ Front and rear 5.5cm
・ Left and right 2.5 cm
・Angle: Inside 20° / Outside 18°
Headrest: Width 34× Depth 14.5~27cm
Leg: radius 34cm
Casters: Diameter 6.5cm
Headrest: Height 12.5 cm Rotation angle 38 degrees
Back adjustment: Height 7 cm / 14 steps
Recline: 90~135 degrees / 4 steps
Product body: 18.9kg
Packaging weight: 24.45kg
JAN Code
The product will be shipped directly to the customer (shipping fee included)
Availability is subject to change. If the reservation is sold out, the delivery time may be delayed. If you are in a hurry, please check in advance.
Shipping costs are calculated per brand. If there is a "Supplement to Shipping Costs", a different rate may be applied than the shipping cost by shipping area.
Earliest shipping date
Ships within 1 week
Shipping fees
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Shipping Zones
Shipping Charges(tax included)
Order price range(excluding tax)
Greater than or equal to ¥0
¥27,273 or greater
Supplement on shipping and shipping costs
Free shipping on orders over 30,000 yen including tax
Ergonomically made, ultra-intensive work chair "GrowSpica" Lite that maintains posture Reservation White Scheduled to be delivered at the end of May RPN214
"GrowSpica" is an ergonomically crafted high-tech high-performance work chair that is necessary for the coming era. Lumbar support supports the lower back and helps the spine form an S-curve, leading to an ideal sitting position with the pelvis standing.
This product is especially recommended for those who are troubled by desk work and those who are working while feeling discomfort in their neck and lower back. With this work chair, even if you sit at a desk for a long time, the burden on your body will be reduced, and your daily productivity will be greatly assisted.
Ergonomically made, ultra-intensive work chair "GrowSpica" Lite that maintains posture Reservation White Scheduled to be delivered at the end of May RPN214
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Improving products together with consumers
The total amount of support in Clapham exceeded 200 million yen
Ergonomically made, ultra-intensive work chair "GrowSpica" Lite that maintains posture Reservation White Scheduled to be delivered at the end of May RPN214