Country of origin: Bulgaria
Name: Lovage root, Cut, Organic
Scientific name: Levisticum officinale
Subject: Celery Department
Site: Root
Also known as: Lovage / Lovage / Lovage / Hama Parsley
In Scotland it is known as shunis.
In particular, it is called Lovage because it is collected and used as a culinary herb.
The Indians of North America also peeled the stems and ate them raw.
How to drink deliciously
Put 1 2 teaspoons (about 2 grams) of dried herbs in a pot, pour boiling water about 150cc 200cc, cover and let it steam for 3 5 minutes.
* Hard items such as fruits and roots will be more fragrant if they are lightly crushed.
How to store
Avoid direct sunlight, high temperature and humidity, and store in a cool and dark place. Please use it as soon as possible after opening.