JURI's soap project started in 2022.
Our representative Ismal is from Lebanon and brings olive soap back every time he returns to Lebanon, and the child born in 2018 has dry skin and lives naturally, additive-free soap is good for dry skin, and he uses Lebanese soap that can wash the whole body.
The owner of Juri is Salwa, a mother of two who lives in Lebanon.
I used to be a teacher, but due to inflation caused by disasters and economic crises, the cost of gasoline for commuting to work is higher than my monthly salary.
As a result, there are many young people who have lost their places of work, their lives are difficult, and they have no hope for the future, and I want to make the project a success for their future.
There are many olive oil soaps made by each family, but they do not look good and are not at a level that can be sold. In addition, young people were not interested, and we decided that we should not let this wonderful tradition go out of fashion, so we started a soap standard with our company.
Olive oil has been an integral part of Lebanese culture for thousands of years, and its use dates back to ancient times. In Lebanon, olive oil is not only used in daily meals, but is also of religious and cultural importance, and there are references to it in the Bible and the Koran.
In some Lebanese households, individuals make olive oil from the olive trees they cultivate. In addition, there was a custom of making soap for the surplus and receiving all the blessings of nature.
I also want to revitalize the project and give back to my home country. I made it with the hope that Japan women would use this soap made from the wonderful nature of Lebanon.