The more skilled the craftsman, the more taciturn he is.
You may hear such words.
I see, their work can only be passed on by learning by seeing and seeing, repeating the technique over and over again, and letting the body memorize it.
It's not a world of words, but a world where you refine your senses.
On the other hand, the "hands" of the craftsmen are very eloquent.
Their hands, which have been trained over many years, are able to freely express their own intentions and emotions.
From their hands, beautiful and delicious things are created.
THE STORY is a select brand that delivers the strong feelings and tremendous commitment of craftsmen around the world that have never been talked about before, along with delicious handiwork.
The dedication and sincerity of the craftsmen gives not only deliciousness but also emotion.
We will tell and tell you the delicious stories created by the hands of our craftsmen.