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・ Natural autumn salmon (chum salmon) caught in Hokkaido is smoked thoroughly with our unique salt and temperature, and then the aroma and taste are tightened with the original blend of organic herb mix and jalapeño, and the flavor of smoked salmon is locked in with organic olive oil. ・ Speaking of autumn in Hokkaido, salmon. While smoked salmon such as salmon toba and prosciutto are the mainstream processed salmon products, our shop manufactures new processed salmon products inspired by the traditional preserved food of the Inuit living in Alaska. ・ It is delicious to eat as it is, and it is a snack or sandwich with cream cheese on crackers. It is delicious when you loosen it up and eat it as rice balls, salads, pasta, fried rice, etc. ・ "Easy to make as a souvenir of Hokkaido", "I have never eaten this type of smoked salmon", "Alcohol is progressing", and restaurants have used this to increase the menu.

EZO smoked chum salmon 135g (smoked salmon in oil)

・ Natural autumn salmon (chum salmon) caught in Hokkaido is smoked thoroughly with our unique salt and temperature, and then the aroma and taste are tightened with the original blend of organic herb mix and jalapeño, and the flavor of smoked salmon is locked in with organic olive oil. ・ Speaking of autumn in Hokkaido, salmon. While smoked salmon such as salmon toba and prosciutto are the mainstream processed salmon products, our shop manufactures new processed salmon products inspired by the traditional preserved food of the Inuit living in Alaska. ・ It is delicious to eat as it is, and it is a snack or sandwich with cream cheese on crackers. It is delicious when you loosen it up and eat it as rice balls, salads, pasta, fried rice, etc. ・ "Easy to make as a souvenir of Hokkaido", "I have never eaten this type of smoked salmon", "Alcohol is progressing", and restaurants have used this to increase the menu.
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EZO smoked chum salmon 135g (smoked salmon in oil)
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EZO smoked chum salmon 135g (smoked salmon in oil)
EZO smoked chum salmon 135g (smoked salmon in oil)

Touch the brand's charm

Horiyama Raku Shoten

Manufacture and wholesale of Hokkaido's original craft seasonings and food products based on natural ingredients from Hokkaido, which is rich in nature
Using carefully selected seasonal ingredients in Hokkaido, which is rich in ingredients
Production method without additives or preservatives
Aiming for original processed foods that are not bound by existing processed products

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