About the brand
While choosing "safe and secure domestic materials that are gentle on the body"
Sweets that you can enjoy from the bottom of your heart
Our original "Hime Fondant Chocolat" was developed independently over a period of two years. In 2024, it was selected as a "souvenir for entertainment".
All of our products are based on domestic wheat flour, Hokkaido beet sugar, and raw sugar, and we are working every day to develop products that expand with only the ingredients without adding additives as much as possible.
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Why are we doing?
What are we doing?
Commitment to the product
Who are supporting us?
In recent years, I feel that more and more people are concerned about the ingredient label on the back while eating sweets. To be honest, the sweets made with safe and secure ingredients selected by Alice Hélène are expensive even in the area. Even so, I have seen many customers who are happy to choose sweets with peace of mind. If there is a risk of additives that accumulate in the body even little by little, we would like you to take a look at the ingredients of sweets made from the ingredients we choose and use it as an opportunity to think about food. We are involved in food with the hope of a future where you can boost your body's immunity and maintain your health for a long time.
While selecting safe and secure ingredients that are gentle on the body, we are working to make sweets that give shape to a healthy future for everyone.
For that reason, we have improved the recipe to make all products domestic wheat and beet sugar from Hokkaido to spread the wonderfulness of domestic ingredients.
Commitment to the product
I came across "fondant chocolate" when I was training at a restaurant.
Normally, it is a special confectionery that is only tasted on the spot as an asset sale of a restaurant, but it was developed independently over the course of two years with the idea that "I want people to feel free to enjoy the excitement of the chocolate that flows out at home...".
By adjusting the amount of oil and water, and using domestic wheat flour and beet sugar from Hokkaido, we finally created a recipe that can be stored at room temperature for more than 30 days.
The "Hime" in "Hime Fondant Chocolat" is named after Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture, where the main store is located.
We have received a wide range of support from people who are interested in a healthy and bright life, regardless of age or gender, such as gifts for loved ones and gifts for companies.
In particular, the specialty "Hime Fondant Chocolat" has won other awards, such as being selected as a 'Entertainment Souvenir 2024', and is also available as a mid-year and year-end gift at department stores.
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