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Supplement "Ipure" that improves "tear burn" in pets In order to stop the "oxidation of tears" that causes tear burn, we have created a supplement that contains antioxidants and 10 kinds of vitamins. 【Product Features】 ■ 6 types of antioxidants Six types of antioxidants such as lutein and astaxanthin prevent the oxidation of tears, changing the smell, color, and concentration of tears, and fundamentally improving the quality of tears. By turning the tears that have been oxidized and muddy into smooth, it is possible to remove the clogging of the nasolacrimal duct and prevent coloring, which is the cause of tear burn. In addition, Ipure's syrup is orange, which is the color of the antioxidant ingredient itself! It is a naturally derived pigment and does not use colorants. ■ 10 kinds of vitamins With 10 kinds of vitamins, you can fundamentally improve your constitution and expect the effects of preventing oxidation in the body, preventing aging of the eyeballs and lens, promoting the metabolism of eye cells, and anti-inflammatory. We approach health maintenance that cannot be supplemented by improving food alone. ■ Human Grade & Domestic Supplement Sticking to the human-grade manufacturing method, it is a supplement that can be eaten not only by dogs but also by humans. It was developed with a pet supplement manufacturer and the amount of ingredients is adjusted so that even small dogs can give it with confidence. In addition, it is a high-quality domestic supplement that uses all domestic ingredients and is made so that it can be used safely by puppies and senior dogs.

Tear burn supplement [Ipure] Syrup type (chicken flavor) 10ml

Supplement "Ipure" that improves "tear burn" in pets In order to stop the "oxidation of tears" that causes tear burn, we have created a supplement that contains antioxidants and 10 kinds of vitamins. 【Product Features】 ■ 6 types of antioxidants Six types of antioxidants such as lutein and astaxanthin prevent the oxidation of tears, changing the smell, color, and concentration of tears, and fundamentally improving the quality of tears. By turning the tears that have been oxidized and muddy into smooth, it is possible to remove the clogging of the nasolacrimal duct and prevent coloring, which is the cause of tear burn. In addition, Ipure's syrup is orange, which is the color of the antioxidant ingredient itself! It is a naturally derived pigment and does not use colorants. ■ 10 kinds of vitamins With 10 kinds of vitamins, you can fundamentally improve your constitution and expect the effects of preventing oxidation in the body, preventing aging of the eyeballs and lens, promoting the metabolism of eye cells, and anti-inflammatory. We approach health maintenance that cannot be supplemented by improving food alone. ■ Human Grade & Domestic Supplement Sticking to the human-grade manufacturing method, it is a supplement that can be eaten not only by dogs but also by humans. It was developed with a pet supplement manufacturer and the amount of ingredients is adjusted so that even small dogs can give it with confidence. In addition, it is a high-quality domestic supplement that uses all domestic ingredients and is made so that it can be used safely by puppies and senior dogs.
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Tear burn supplement [Ipure] Syrup type (chicken flavor) 10ml
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Tear burn supplement [Ipure] Syrup type (chicken flavor) 10ml
Tear burn supplement [Ipure] Syrup type (chicken flavor) 10ml

Touch the brand's charm


R&L, a supplement brand to solve pet problems such as pet tears, drooling, and eye problems
A high-quality domestic supplement that is particular about raw materials. It can be used safely by puppies and senior dogs
A safe and secure human-grade manufacturing method that can be eaten not only by dogs but also by humans. Adjust the amount of blending so that even small dogs can give it with peace of mind.
Contains antioxidants and vitamins to improve symptoms of not only tear burn but also drooling and eye problems.

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