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"Black sesame flour" is a blend of Hokkaido chrysanthemum, soybeans, and sesamin-rich black sesame. It is a new product that allows you to take two dietary fibers, water-soluble (chrysanthemum) and insoluble (soybean), in a well-balanced manner. ----------------------------------------------------- ● Intestinal activity KIKUIMO soybean flour (80g): 1 bag ● Ingredients: Soybeans (from Hokkaido), chrysanthemums (from Hokkaido), black sesame seeds ----------------------------------------------------- ▼ How to eat ・ Dissolve in milk and "soybean powdered milk" ・ Sprinkle on rice cakes and make "kina flour mochi" ・Sprinkle on ice cream, yogurt, or bread ・ For the secret ingredient of miso soup and tossed

Intestinal activity KIKUIMO black sesame flour 80g

"Black sesame flour" is a blend of Hokkaido chrysanthemum, soybeans, and sesamin-rich black sesame. It is a new product that allows you to take two dietary fibers, water-soluble (chrysanthemum) and insoluble (soybean), in a well-balanced manner. ----------------------------------------------------- ● Intestinal activity KIKUIMO soybean flour (80g): 1 bag ● Ingredients: Soybeans (from Hokkaido), chrysanthemums (from Hokkaido), black sesame seeds ----------------------------------------------------- ▼ How to eat ・ Dissolve in milk and "soybean powdered milk" ・ Sprinkle on rice cakes and make "kina flour mochi" ・Sprinkle on ice cream, yogurt, or bread ・ For the secret ingredient of miso soup and tossed
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Intestinal activity KIKUIMO black sesame flour 80g
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Intestinal activity KIKUIMO black sesame flour 80g

Touch the brand's charm

Intestinal activity KIKUIMO

The KIKUIMO series is a processed food that uses high-quality Hokkaido chrysanthemums that are particular about the manufacturing method, and can easily "intestinal activity" (adjusting the intestinal environment and making good bacteria predominant).
Chrysanthemum is rich in inulin, oligosaccharides, dietary fiber, minerals, etc., and is an ingredient that is currently attracting attention, such as being featured in dramas and information programs.
We use chrysanthemum potatoes from Hokkaido, which are rich in the water-soluble dietary fiber "inulin", and sell tea, chips, potage, soybean flour and cookies as products.
Since we are particular about the taste and can be enjoyed with peace of mind without additives or coloring, we have received a good reputation mainly for tea, which is easy to take in.

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お客様 このたびは当店の「腸活KIKUIMOポタージュ」をご購入いただき誠にありがとうございました。 こちらのポタージュは、北海道産の原料を使用し、無添加・無着色で作っております。 『キクイモ』の主成分『イヌリン』には水溶性食物繊維が含まれております。 腸をきれいにしながら善玉菌を増やして腸キレイ、腸ゲンキ!手軽に“腸活”始めよう!という方に ぴったりの商品です。 お客様にご好評とのことのお話もいただき、誠にありございます。 貴社のお客様へのサービスに少しでも貢献をさせていただきましたこと、嬉しく思っております。 今後ともお引き立てを賜りたく、よろしくお願い申し上げます。 このたびは誠にありがとうございまいした。 一丸商店お客様お問合せ係 一同
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