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Completely additive-free deer bone jerky made by drying the humerus of a deer, which is low in fat, low allergens, rich in calcium, and long-lasting, at a high temperature for a long time. A long-lasting product that has a high bone density among bones and is recommended for dogs who like to chew! Chewing also has the effect of relieving stress and removing tartar, making dental care fun and delicious! It is for medium-sized dogs ~ large dogs, and is useful on days when you can't go for a walk or on rainy days. One of the worries of those who have indoor dogs is "I want to give snacks, but I'm worried about obesity" ・ If you are conscious of your dog's health, "I don't want to give additives if possible" "I'm worried about allergies" ・ If you are a dog lover, "I want to see my dog happy" "I want you to eat really delicious food" It is a product that I would like many people to try. For companies, by handling our products, we will do the following. I think I can help you. ・ I'm worried about attracting customers ・ I want to attract customers by using topical products ・ I want amenities for visitors ・ I want to differentiate myself from other companies ・ I want to increase customer satisfaction ・ There was a request from a customer ・ I want to put additive-free products ... etc * Packages are subject to change without notice. Thank you for your understanding.

Tokotsu / Mie Prefecture _ Additive-free _ Dog snacks L

Completely additive-free deer bone jerky made by drying the humerus of a deer, which is low in fat, low allergens, rich in calcium, and long-lasting, at a high temperature for a long time. A long-lasting product that has a high bone density among bones and is recommended for dogs who like to chew! Chewing also has the effect of relieving stress and removing tartar, making dental care fun and delicious! It is for medium-sized dogs ~ large dogs, and is useful on days when you can't go for a walk or on rainy days. One of the worries of those who have indoor dogs is "I want to give snacks, but I'm worried about obesity" ・ If you are conscious of your dog's health, "I don't want to give additives if possible" "I'm worried about allergies" ・ If you are a dog lover, "I want to see my dog happy" "I want you to eat really delicious food" It is a product that I would like many people to try. For companies, by handling our products, we will do the following. I think I can help you. ・ I'm worried about attracting customers ・ I want to attract customers by using topical products ・ I want amenities for visitors ・ I want to differentiate myself from other companies ・ I want to increase customer satisfaction ・ There was a request from a customer ・ I want to put additive-free products ... etc * Packages are subject to change without notice. Thank you for your understanding.
Now on sale ~3/30 14:59
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Tokotsu / Mie Prefecture _ Additive-free _ Dog snacks L

Touch the brand's charm

Meiarai Corporation

A pet food that uses Honshu deer from Mie Prefecture and is particular about freshness and completely additive-free. Deliver the blessings of nature to your beloved pets.
We use Honshu deer caught in hunting and extermination to make effective use of the natural resources of the region.
By using only live individuals to maintain the highest freshness and not using any chemical additives, We provide high-quality food that can be safely fed to pets.
Through close cooperation with government agencies and hunting organizations, we have achieved a stable purchase of materials. As a result, it has become possible to provide continuous supply while maintaining quality.

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この度はご注文頂きまして、誠にありがとうございます。 またご多用の中レビューを投稿いただき、重ねてお礼を申し上げます。 弊社商品に魅力を感じていただき、大変嬉しく思います。 ぜひ、ほかの商品もお試しいただければと思います♪ 気になる商品等ございましたら、お気軽にご相談ください(*^-^*) これからも何卒宜しくお願い致します。
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この度はご注文頂きまして、誠にありがとうございます。 またご多用の中レビューを投稿いただき、重ねてお礼を申し上げます。 鹿肉は低アレルゲンでありながら、高たんぱく、低カロリー、 そして鉄分も豊富に含まれているため、アレルギーに敏感なわんちゃんや、 トレーニングや体重管理が必要なわんちゃんにとって、とても魅力的な食材です。 トレーニングにご利用されるなら、大容量パックがおすすめです♪ またのご注文を心よりお待ちしております!
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