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SAKU Hair Oil Mist Card Type & AG Jelly Set is a set of card-type hair oil and jelly that is convenient to carry. The feature is that you can easily take care of your hair on the go. Hair oil has the effect of coating the hair while repairing damage, giving it shine, and cohesion. AG Jerry keeps your hair styled while protecting it well. This one can be used for hair care and styling at the same time, making it convenient to set up on busy mornings or on the go. It is an easy-to-use card type that can be easily stored in a bag or pocket, so you can easily keep a fashionable hairstyle at any time. With SAKU Hair Oil Mist Card Type & AG Jelly Set, you can always get beautiful hair.

SAKU Hair Oil Mist Card Type & AG Jelly Set Set of 12

SAKU Hair Oil Mist Card Type & AG Jelly Set is a set of card-type hair oil and jelly that is convenient to carry. The feature is that you can easily take care of your hair on the go. Hair oil has the effect of coating the hair while repairing damage, giving it shine, and cohesion. AG Jerry keeps your hair styled while protecting it well. This one can be used for hair care and styling at the same time, making it convenient to set up on busy mornings or on the go. It is an easy-to-use card type that can be easily stored in a bag or pocket, so you can easily keep a fashionable hairstyle at any time. With SAKU Hair Oil Mist Card Type & AG Jelly Set, you can always get beautiful hair.
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MSRP ¥1,100 (Tax included ¥1,210)
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??? %
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SAKU Hair Oil Mist Card Type & AG Jelly Set Set of 12
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SAKU Hair Oil Mist Card Type & AG Jelly Set Set of 12
SAKU Hair Oil Mist Card Type & AG Jelly Set Set of 12

Touch the brand's charm

SAKU Smiles bring Happiness

A smile like a blooming flower is born only through the trivial pleasures in everyday life and the small satisfaction of daily life, and SAKU "Bloom" was born from the desire to spend every day with such a smile
SAKU Hair Oil Mist After closing your eyes and feeling the tropical breeze from the gorgeous scent, the scent of Hawaiian jasmine will lift your mood and make you smile naturally
SAKU Hand Mist From the desire to take care of your hands frequently, a light hand mist that is not sticky and has a smooth feeling
SAKU Hand Cream Because it's a hand that is unexpectedly seen Skin care in the morning and at night like a face

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