【Japan Maternity Food Association Certified Product】
A good non-caffeine medicinal tea that can be recommended for pregnant mothers. It is characterized by its aroma and freshness, and is a strong ally that supports various discomforts felt during pregnancy.
○ Black bean tea: You can feel the fragrant and gentle sweetness. It contains anthocyanins and is recommended for those who overuse the eyes and head.
○ Corn tea: Corn tea, which is characterized by its aroma and sweetness, supports drainage in the body
○ Tangerine peel -- Mandarin orange skin, also called chinpi, has an elegant aroma because it is made in Japan, and it is very colorful ◎ For irritation during pregnancy ◎
○ Wormwood: Wormwood, which supports warmth as it is also used for moxibustion and wormwood steaming, contains a lot of iron and chlorophyll, and is recommended not only for pregnancy but also for all women
○ Shiso leaves: Shiso cultivated without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers has a unique good scent of shiso that passes through the nose and supports the circulation of the mind
It is also recommended for pregnant women