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★ Stylish stick burner for Palo Santo or Incense A handmade stick burner designed and produced in collaboration with young Korean ceramicist Lim Kyung-ah and Grossam. Please use it according to your preference and purpose with bowls and interior accessories. 【Brand Introduction】 Growsum is an eco-luxury lifestyle brand created to infuse spaces with nature and bring a glimmer of light to the important moments of everyday life. In order to ensure that the daily lives of many people continue to shine at all times, we will deliver environmentally friendly products from the selection of raw materials to the process. From the Natural Incense Line, which does not use chemical ingredients and encapsulates nature as it is, to the Vegan Beauty Line, which does not use animal ingredients and does not test on animals, to lifestyle objects in collaboration with young Korean artists. A small journey in everyday life where you focus on yourself inward and search for better life values. Grossam's goal is to take root as one small habit that subtly fits into this journey. [Concept] (1) Daily Luxury We try to create a sensory design that is easy to use every day and looks good in any place. (2) Inspirational Through collaborations with new artists, she inspires people's daily lives. (3) Eco-friendly We think about and practice ways to minimize environmental pollution in all processes, including manufacturing and delivery. #インセンス #香木 #パロサント #空間浄化 #オシャレ #プレゼント #化学原料不使用

【Simple & Stylish / Easy to Fit into Your Room】Palo Santo Stick Burner

★ Stylish stick burner for Palo Santo or Incense A handmade stick burner designed and produced in collaboration with young Korean ceramicist Lim Kyung-ah and Grossam. Please use it according to your preference and purpose with bowls and interior accessories. 【Brand Introduction】 Growsum is an eco-luxury lifestyle brand created to infuse spaces with nature and bring a glimmer of light to the important moments of everyday life. In order to ensure that the daily lives of many people continue to shine at all times, we will deliver environmentally friendly products from the selection of raw materials to the process. From the Natural Incense Line, which does not use chemical ingredients and encapsulates nature as it is, to the Vegan Beauty Line, which does not use animal ingredients and does not test on animals, to lifestyle objects in collaboration with young Korean artists. A small journey in everyday life where you focus on yourself inward and search for better life values. Grossam's goal is to take root as one small habit that subtly fits into this journey. [Concept] (1) Daily Luxury We try to create a sensory design that is easy to use every day and looks good in any place. (2) Inspirational Through collaborations with new artists, she inspires people's daily lives. (3) Eco-friendly We think about and practice ways to minimize environmental pollution in all processes, including manufacturing and delivery. #インセンス #香木 #パロサント #空間浄化 #オシャレ #プレゼント #化学原料不使用
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【Simple & Stylish / Easy to Fit into Your Room】Palo Santo Stick Burner
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【Simple & Stylish / Easy to Fit into Your Room】Palo Santo Stick Burner

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Growsum is an eco-luxury lifestyle brand created to blend naturally into spaces and bring a glimmer of light to the important moments of everyday life.
We carry lifestyle objects such as "Palo Santo" and "Incense", sacred incense trees from Peru, and "Incense Holder" in collaboration with young Korean artists
It is a vegan product that encapsulates nature as it is, does not use chemical or animal raw materials, and does not test on animals
We try to create a sensuous design that is easy to use every day and looks good in any place

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