A wool rug made by re-spun yarn from surplus yarn and unwanted wool clothing. It is a sustainable fiber that can reduce the consumption of resources used in normal production by 70%, which leads to environmental improvement. It is a size that can be used outdoors / interior, so why not coordinate it with your favorite color?
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A wool rug made by re-spun yarn from surplus yarn and unwanted wool clothing. It is a sustainable fiber that can reduce the consumption of resources used in normal production by 70%, which leads to environmental improvement. It is a size that can be used outdoors / interior, so why not coordinate it with your favorite color?
We offer fabrics made in India using recycled materials.
We would like to work on the environmentally-friendly SDG's as interior products, and we would like to expand products using local recycling technology to the world.
We manufacture fabrics made from three materials: recycled cotton, recycled wool, and recycled polypropylene in India.