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About Good Night Gloves If you have dry hands, we recommend bedtime gloves. Protect your hands and prevent them from drying out. Even if you say, "Even if I wear gloves to bed, I unconsciously take them off while sleeping," I often hear that if I change to a pair of Japanese paper gloves, I will be wearing them properly until morning. Sasawashi paper doesn't get stuffy and feels good. (For the same reason, socks are also recommended when sleeping) It is even more effective if you apply hand cream before using. If you are concerned about chapping, it is also recommended to apply Kumaza Sabam. The comfort of good night gloves 1. Moist and smooth Because it is Japanese paper, it has excellent water absorption and moisture retention, and does not feel stuffy or sticky. 2. For everyday life It is also recommended for outdoor activities such as walking and mountain walking. 3. Clean and hygienic The antibacterial and deodorant effect of Kumazasa suppresses odors and makes it clean. other

Good night gloves off-white

About Good Night Gloves If you have dry hands, we recommend bedtime gloves. Protect your hands and prevent them from drying out. Even if you say, "Even if I wear gloves to bed, I unconsciously take them off while sleeping," I often hear that if I change to a pair of Japanese paper gloves, I will be wearing them properly until morning. Sasawashi paper doesn't get stuffy and feels good. (For the same reason, socks are also recommended when sleeping) It is even more effective if you apply hand cream before using. If you are concerned about chapping, it is also recommended to apply Kumaza Sabam. The comfort of good night gloves 1. Moist and smooth Because it is Japanese paper, it has excellent water absorption and moisture retention, and does not feel stuffy or sticky. 2. For everyday life It is also recommended for outdoor activities such as walking and mountain walking. 3. Clean and hygienic The antibacterial and deodorant effect of Kumazasa suppresses odors and makes it clean. other
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Good night gloves off-white

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We create a rare material called "Sasa Washi paper" and carefully utilize its goodness one by one to develop items that deliver "comfort" and "health" to daily life
Because it is Japanese paper, it has about twice the water absorption capacity of smooth and comfortable cotton. Moreover, since there is almost no return of moisture, it does not become sticky even when sweating, and the surface is always smooth.
"Sasawashi" is full of features that are friendly to both the environment and people. It cuts ultraviolet rays without the use of chemicals, has excellent heat insulation, and is cool in summer and warm in winter.
"Sasawashi" is born naturally. In addition, due to the structure of the fibers, there is no scabbard, so it does not tingle and does not cause waddling easily, so it does not put stress on the skin.

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