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Daijobu soap It uses a protein called silk fibroin, which is extracted by hand from domestic silk. It removes dirt and leaves moisture on the skin, so it can be used for face washing, body, and delicate areas. It is a soap that washes smoothly and has a good foam break.

Daijobu soap regular

Daijobu soap It uses a protein called silk fibroin, which is extracted by hand from domestic silk. It removes dirt and leaves moisture on the skin, so it can be used for face washing, body, and delicate areas. It is a soap that washes smoothly and has a good foam break.
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MSRP ¥1,850 (Tax included ¥2,035)
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??? %
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MSRP ¥345 (Tax included ¥380)
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??? %
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As a gift for your precious family, friends, and yourself, Daijobu's products deliver high-quality original products. We try to keep the design simple so that it can be used every day.
For wives with weak skin, her husband developed "Daijobu soap". Silk fibroin removes dirt and leaves moisture on the skin, so it can be used for face wash and delicate areas
Daijobu moisturizing gel was developed with the aim of "dripping into the skin" with a skin counselor who has seen many skins. Contains Japanese and Chinese plants that prevent rough skin and hyaluronic acid that promotes moisturizing
Silk fibroin, which is extracted from silk cocoons, is made from discarded materials that could not be made into silk threads originally. We try to make things sustainably

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