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It is a blend of wheat that promotes metabolism, dandelion that protects the liver, and peppermint that helps digestion and refreshes the mood. On days when you are not feeling well due to a hangover, or when you don't feel well, or when you don't feel motivated. It has a light and refreshing taste. Caffeine-free.

For gastrointestinal upset GudaGuda Pack of 5 packets

It is a blend of wheat that promotes metabolism, dandelion that protects the liver, and peppermint that helps digestion and refreshes the mood. On days when you are not feeling well due to a hangover, or when you don't feel well, or when you don't feel motivated. It has a light and refreshing taste. Caffeine-free.
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For gastrointestinal upset GudaGuda Pack of 5 packets

Touch the brand's charm

Dan de Herbs

A cup of cured tea a day will make every day healthy. Dan de Herbs for delicious tea with organic herbs.
A brand of herbal tea launched by a qualified herbal practitioner of JAMAHA (Japan Medical Herb Association)
The raw materials are organic, pesticide-free during the cultivation period, or herbs without additives. Acquired organic JAS certification business within one year of company establishment
I hope that the habit of maintaining health with tea without relying on medicines and supplements as much as possible, and taking care of one's own body and that of one's family with tea, will spread

Brand review for Dan de Herbs

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Esthetics Salon
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最初は商品名が可愛くてパケ買いしました エステサロンをしていてお客様へ出すハーブティーと店販用で購入しました 全種類飲みましたが、どれも飲みやすいです!!お茶とブレンドされているので ハーブティーが苦手な方でも飲みやすいと好評でした 名前を見れば一目でどんな効果があるのか分かるのでその日の気分に合わせて 飲むことが出来るのもまた好きなポイントです!
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Other General Goods Stores
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お悩み別に楽しめる商品は人気です! デザインもシンプルで40~50代女性にお買い求めいただいてます。

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ありがとうございます!いろんな方に手に取っていただけたらこちらも嬉しいです。 何か質問等あればいつでもチャットでご相談くださいませ。今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
Other General Goods Stores
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風邪予防やデトックス、体を温めるお茶等をサロンでお客様にもお出ししています。 ポカポカする!美味しい!と好評です。 少し喉がイガイガするな~という時にHakushonをガブ飲みすると風邪が酷くならずに済む気がします!
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