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Based on the business format of the wholesaler business, we are reviewing the excellent value cultivated by the production area and making proposals that match modern lifestyles.


Based on the business format of the wholesaler business, we are reviewing the excellent value cultivated by the production area and making proposals that match modern lifestyles.
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Based on the business format of the wholesaler business, we are reviewing the excellent value cultivated by the production area and making proposals that match modern lifestyles.
"Tojiki Tonya" is the name of a project based on a single concept. In order to convey our efforts, we have chosen the project name as the business type itself.
Based on the business format of the wholesaler business, we will establish a new direction for the ceramics industry together with manufacturers and various designers in the local industry.
We will review the excellent value cultivated by the production area and make proposals that match modern lifestyles.

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I believe that it is only with the involvement of the hands of the people who use it that things will be completed more and more. We are proposing it as a new craft that suits the modern lifestyle that is kind to the heart, such as a conversation between people and things. Inheriting the techniques and feelings for pottery that have been nurtured by the history and culture of the region, and honestly making good things, Re-proposing to modern lifestyles and conveying high-quality ceramic products, We run a pottery shop rooted in the production area.
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The Vision of Toji Kitonya -
Based on the excellent products and technologies cultivated by the production area over the course of history, our goal is to create new values and enrich people's lives in the process of connecting production sites and customer lives, and to contribute to local industries.

What are we doing?

Among the pottery utensils that have been used for a long time since ancient times in Japan, there are many items that are lost in the modern distribution process or disappear as products for which no value is found.
We believe that there are many wonderful things in the technology of such cooking utensils. By creating from a unique perspective what has been nurtured by the history of such production areas, we will make proposals that connect producers and consumers with trust through trial and error together with manufacturers who share the ideals of Tojikitonya.

Commitment to the product


Who are supporting us?

The simple design and color development are supported by women in their 20s to 60s and men who are particular about cooking utensils.
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