Drying techniques and ideas to breathe delicious life into vegetables that would otherwise be thrown away
Vegetables that cannot be shipped due to out-of-spec or production adjustments are collected and dried and processed at a factory set up locally. By evaporating the free moisture content of vegetables to 12% or less, the growth of microorganisms is stopped, and dried vegetables are ready for several years of storage.
At the current base, we purchase and collect about 2 tons of discarded vegetables per month, which leads to the revitalization of the local economy by improving the profits of farmers and shippers, developing local specialties through secondary processing, and creating jobs, and has been evaluated by the local government as agricultural support from a completely different perspective.
Cherry tomatoes retain their flavor, leafy vegetables such as leeks and spinach are processed and used for sprinkles, and carrots and burdock are powdered.
In some cases, more than 200 kg of vegetables are brought in one day, but all of them are dried on the same day. Each vegetable weighs about 1/10, and when dried, the six cases of tomatoes become heavy enough to hold in one hand, so transportation costs are drastically reduced.
Rather than mass production, which is prone to waste, it is a mechanism that eliminates loss and enlivens the region by adopting a small-scale distributed production method in rural areas.
It is additive-free, easy to use, has a rich aroma and is highly nutritious. I would like many people to eat dried vegetables that are delicious for both the body and society.