【Product name】 Mandarin Yellow
【Scientific name】 Citrus reticulata
【Family name】 Rutaceae
【Extraction site】 Pericarp
【Extraction method】 Squeezing method
Country of origin: Italy
【Description of item】
It is classified in the same group as Onshu mandarin oranges in Japan, and it may be easy to imagine that Japan people describe it as a sweet, sour, and fruity scent like tangerines.
It has a more floral feel than orange sweet, and has a refreshing and gentle sweetness.
Yellow is extracted from yellow-colored mandarins around November, and is characterized by a moderate acidity and a sweet, aromatic aroma compared to red.
Common mandarin essential oil will be yellow.
[Blend information]
Like Orange Sweet, it goes well with any essential oil, but because of its increased floral sweetness, it is very easy to pair with florals in general.
Essential oils that go well with <>
Floral... Geranium, neroli
Herbal Aromatic... Roman Chamomile, Lavender