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N&P Organic

N&P has a 60% share in the organic vegetable market in Thailand. In Japan, we introduce additive-free and vegan non-fried chips made from 11 kinds of vegetables such as kale and superfoods.


N&P Organic

Nippon's Champion合同会社
N&P has a 60% share in the organic vegetable market in Thailand. In Japan, we introduce additive-free and vegan non-fried chips made from 11 kinds of vegetables such as kale and superfoods.

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About the brand

N&P has a 60% share in the organic vegetable market in Thailand. In Japan, we introduce additive-free and vegan non-fried chips made from 11 kinds of vegetables such as kale and superfoods.
With more than 15 years of organic farming experience in Thailand, N&P Organic is a leading organic food manufacturer with a 60% share of the Thai domestic market.
For the Japan market, we introduce kale chips made from 10 kinds of vegetables and superfoods as an upcycled product that uses leftovers from vegetable processing.

More about the Brand Owner

中島 英俊

Eishun Nakashima

Representative of Nippon's Champion LLC. It has a partnership with N&P Organic and has been in charge of wholesale and sales in Japan since 2022.
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Why are we doing?
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Why are we doing?

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N&P Organic was founded on a vision to improve quality of life and promote sustainability for the planet.
Our belief is that by treating nature right, we will continue to produce the best food on the planet, which tastes good and healthy.
We are committed to supporting and promoting organic farming as a means of sustainable development, safe land use and a better environment.

What are we doing?

Our firm commitment is a genuine concern for health.
We grow organic crops believing that organic farming produces safe, flavorful, and healthy products.
Believing that it can bring many great achievements.
- Maintaining sustainable agriculture
- Protection of the global environment
- Conservation and effective use of natural resources
- Respect for all life
- And most importantly, watch over the next generation.

Commitment to the product

With more than 15 years of organic farming experience, N&P Organic produces organic food of the highest standards, purely safe and healthy food, in a way that protects and promotes our environment.
N&P's organic agriculture is based on an a-cultural system that maintains and replenishes soil fertility without the use of harmful chemical pesticides and fertilizers, using bio and organic fertilizers and compost containing natural nutrients and beneficial microorganisms.
N&P Organic manufactures organic vegetables and fruits, as well as superfoods such as eggs, quinoa and chia seeds, processed organic vegetables, and baked kale gourmet chips.

Who are supporting us?

Thailand is famous as an advanced organic country, and there are more than a dozen organic supermarkets in the capital Bangkok alone, and there are a wide range of users from Thais to foreigners living in Thailand.
N&P Organic has a market share of more than 60% in the domestic market in Thailand.
We believe that our mission is to convey the immense potential of organic to the world and to Japan.
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