MaTOU - Matou G.C.C - Gas Cartridge Cover - CB can cover, I think it is better to have. CB is an abbreviation for "Cassette gas Bombe". Not only does it look stylish, but it also mitigates the danger of radiant heat in the summer, alleviates the cold in the winter, and improves combustion efficiency. Even cassette cylinders, which are bland as they are, can be covered to add color to the camping scene and provide safety when using the stove. Dayout's "MaTOU" is a camping gear that looks good, functions well, and is cost-effective. ● It can also serve as a coozy. In terms of size, it fits Cinderella in a 500ml can. It's easy to use! All you have to do is roll it up in a cold beer. When camping or BBQ with several people, it can be a landmark that you can quickly see which beer you have, and above all, you can drink good beer after a little time. - If you lay it flat. It can also be used as a café mat if you place cups and cutlery as a mat.