Based in Minato-ku, Tokyo, we specialize in authentic Basque cheesecakes made with the highest quality cheeses from around the world. The authentic Basque cheesecakes sold in Japan are of higher quality, the richer the flavor. On the other hand, since such high-quality Basque cheesecakes are handmade by famous pastry chefs, many of them are available in whole size, and with the help of the richness, the amount is a little too large for Japan people to eat alone, and there were cases where people gave up because they were worried that they would not be able to eat it all even if they wanted to buy it.
At our shop, we use the highest quality cheese to ensure richness, and while baking each one by hand by hand using the time-consuming manufacturing method, we are developing an authentic Basque cheesecake that can be eaten in the palm of your hand.
On the other hand, by combining high-quality fruits and ingredients collected in Japan, we have realized the unique world view of Japan in the deliciousness of Basque cheesecake, and have developed a rich variety of cheesecakes.