LastSwab Basic - Swabs <for ear scratching>
LastSwab is an eco-friendly alternative to cotton swabs and ear picks, and is a reusable and sustainable alternative. One LastSwab is equivalent to 1,000 disposable swabs.
It's also very easy to clean, just wash it with water. If you are concerned about dirt, use soap. The tip with a protrusion that entangles earwax is made of medical-grade TPE (thermoplastic elastomer). It is moderately soft and can be used safely on ear shells. The handle is made of strong polypropylene so that it can be used for a long time.
LastSwab comes with a special case that you can take with you, so it's convenient to take it with you whenever you travel or go out.
LastRound - Puff Pad <Make-Off/Putting >
LastRound is an eco-friendly alternative to traditional cotton pads. This set can be used 1,750 times (250 times per pad) and can be machine washed after use.
Before use, lightly wet it with water, and then apply lotion or makeup remover. When dry, pads are crisp and hard, which may surprise you at first, but when they contain moisture, they become fluffy and very soft. The seven pads are made of FSC-certified cellulose (for one week) and short-flung fibers that have been repelled in the textile industry. Since it is biodegradable, it is an earth-friendly product that can be returned to the soil at the end.